
I write Erotic sci-fi, LGBTQ+ romance novels. Erotic romance is different from erotica in that, though there may be a few “erotic” scenes, the real focus is the love story. Nevertheless, it is intended for readers 18+.

I like to write the kinds of stories that I do to show that romantic love, in all its iterations, is a beautiful thing, as long as it is between consenting adults. Sometimes these stories will show the struggles and the obstacles those in a love relationship have to face, and sometimes they will show what a world would look like in the absence of certain societal constraints and unfair judgements.

Keep in mind that my body of work is constantly in progress. There may be some stories and series that appeal to you and some that do not, and that’s okay. I will post book descriptions each time I add, or am about to add, a new release. I hope you can find something that appeals to you.

Thanks for reading!